I love my new blog theme!

I love my new blog theme!
Originally uploaded by Daniel Greene

I changed my WordPress blog, danielgreene.com, to the Mystique theme. I love it! It has this widget on the top with links to my RSS feed, Facebook Page, Twitter profile, Flickr photostream, and YouTube channel. It has a combo widget on the right that shows recent comments, top posts, archives, tag cloud, and category lists. And it uses a beautiful font that has true italics. I like!





2 responses to “I love my new blog theme!”

  1. Luc As Avatar

    love it. am using this theme as well. I am wondering how you got the other social media buttons though. I only have Twitter and RSS.


    1. Daniel Greene Avatar

      I have Flickr and YouTube accounts, so I input those profile URLs in the Theme settings.


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